News about the Irish & Irish American culture, music, news, sports. This is hosted by the Irish Aires radio show on KPFT-FM 90.1 in Houston, Texas (a Pacifica community radio station)

September 01, 2007

IAUC Boston Convention - Speakers & Hotel Deadline

The IAUC National Convention will be held in Boston, MA Oct. 5,6
& 7, 2007 at the Boston Hyatt Harborside. A registration form is
included below with hotel information.

The convention this year will focus on a Lasting Peace and

Here is the line up of speakers for the upcoming Boston
Convention. If you have not registered, please send your
registration in today!

Friday, Oct. 5th begins at 6:00 p.m. with registration
7:00 p.m. is the welcome followed by our first panel at 7:30 p.m.

Dr. Peter Shirlow, Queen's University Belfast
Mr. Raymond Stewart, Belfast City Council

Saturday Line Up:

Former Irish Political Prisoner Panel - Their Hopes for the
Future Panelists - Paul Harkin, Terry Kirby, Bobby Lavery, Matt

Political panel - Two Opposing Views; Where Do We Go From Here
Roy Garland- Member UUP and Gerry McHugh, Sinn Fein

Mairtin O'Muilleoir - Belfast Media Group

Collusion - Raymond McCord - Collusion from a Unionist

Policing - Nuala O'Loan, Police Ombudsman - Final Report Before
Leaving Office

Father Aidan Troy, Holy Cross, Ardoyne, North Belfast,
Understanding and Ending the Escalating Cycle of Teen Suicides

Sunday, Oct. 7

Mass, Fr. Aidan Troy - 10-11 a.m.
11:00 a.m. General Membership Meeting

If you would like any additional information, please contact Gretchen Bales,

Boston Convention Committee Secretary,
or 765-286-4672 or 1-800-947-4282.

If you have not reserved your hotel rooms for the Boston convention,
please do so now!

Hotel reservations should be made individually by calling
1-800-233-1234 or 617-568-1234 Room rates are $149 per night plus
12.45% tax.

Final date for room reservations for the IAUC block is Sept. 5,

Once the reserved block of rooms is filled, the hotel will not be
able to guarantee this room rate.

The conference registration is $165 per person for the entire
weekend. Saturday only is $125 and $40 for Friday night only.
Registration forms are below.

Irish American Unity Conference Conference Registration Form

The IAUC Annual Convention
October 5 & 6, 2007
Boston, MA

Hyatt Harborside Hotel
Hotel reservations should be made individually by calling
1-800-233-1234 or 617-568-1234

Room rates are $149 per night plus 12.45% tax. Final date for
room reservations for the IAUC block is Sept. 5, 2007.

The conference registration is $165 per person for the entire
weekend. Saturday only is $125 and $40 for Friday night only.

Please return this form with the requested information to:
Gretchen Bales, National Treasurer, P.O. Box 78, Selma, IN 47383

Name: _______________________________________________________
Addrs: _______________________________________________________
City, State, Zip:________________________________________________

Weekend _____$165
Saturday only _____ $125
Friday only ______$40
Donation to IAUC ___________

Method of payment:
_____Check or money order or ______Credit Card:

Name on card: ___________________________________________________
Type of Card: _____VISA ____MasterCard
Card Number: ____________________________________________________
Expiration date: ________________________________________________

The Boston Convention Committee hopes to see you in Boston!

Gretchen Bales, Boston Convention Committee Secretary

Irish American Unity Conference National Office
611 Pennsylvania Ave, SE #4150
Washington, D.C. 20003800-947-4282

"Working for Justice and Peace in a Re-united Ireland”
nonpartisan, nonsectarian, chapter-based human rights
organization working for justice and peace in Ireland. We
are a wholly American 501(c)(4) organization that advocates
the end of British colonial occupation and the peaceful
reunification of Ireland . We endeavor to achieve these
goals by working through the American democratic process.
Individually, our members represent every occupational and
educational stratum in the United States .

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